108 // When Things Don't Go As Planned

Season #2

Hey Babe, this episode I talk about what happens when things don't go as planned. When your not-self theme comes up in these moments, what happened externally is not the root of this. You need to look internally, peel back the layers.


Not-Self Themes:

Generator - Frustration

Mani Gen - Frustration

Projector - Bitterness

Reflector - Disappointment

Manifestor - Anger


Journal Prompts / Guided Questions:

"If I wasn't *insert not-self theme. e.g. Frustrated* about ........, what else would I be *frustrated* about?"

Repeat this, keep peeling back the layers until you find the true root of your not-self theme coming up. This is a really powerful exercise that helps you get massive clarity to help shift through the blocks.



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Angharad xx